Category: Architecture

This category contains all documents regarding BI, DWH, ETL and Front-end architecture. Also includes datamodelling (Data Vault, Inmon, Kimball).


Major revision of the DIRECT framework

A new set of improvements have been committed to the data logistics control (‘ETL process control’) framework Github. This framework, referred to DIRECT (thanks to, assumes the spot of the Data Logistics Process Control in the engine metaphor for flexible data platform management. In case you were wondering, it’s the Data Integration Run-time Execution Control Tool! This is one of my favourite components, as it’s both so simple but also hard to truly get...


Receiving and integrating data from multiple time zones

How to capture the date / time information that is received from different international locations, across different time zones, is a challenge that comes up from time to time. Recently I was involved in some conversations about this again, which prompted me to capture this once and for all and share this here. As outlined in the pattern for Data Mart delivery you should be able to deliver information according to the timeline that the...


Is Data Vault becoming obsolete?

What value do we get from having an intermediate hyper-normalised layer? Let me start by stating that a Data Warehouse is a necessary evil at the best of times. In the ideal world, there would be no need for it, as optimal governance and near real-time multidirectional data harmonisation would have created an environment where it is easy to retrieve information without any ambiguity across systems (including its history of changes). Ideally, we would not...