Tagged: TEAM


New release of TEAM software (v1.5.3.0)

We just released a new version of the free open source front-end software to manage the essential metadata for Data Vault automation: the Taxonomy of ETL Automation Metadata (TEAM). TEAM and VEDW are developed for the purposes of sharing knowledge and testing out new ideas, but they are fully tested and complete in their functionality. You can generate your Data Vault with patterns that incorporate concepts outlined in this blog. This has been in development...


Change in sample data and model availability

Hi everyone. This is just a quick note that I moved all samples from QuickDBD to SQL DBM. QuickDBD has changed its pricing model in a way that prevented me from sharing the samples in an easy way. I updated the various links on this site to reflect the new location of the data models. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. The new models look pretty good I think, have a look at...


Update on development & collaboration efforts

Development update This is a status update for the small community of open source developers and collaborators that use, or contribute to, the growing ecosystem of metadata management and Data Vault generation tooling. I’ve worked hard on creating a more stable set of tooling around ETL generation and as a result the TEAM and VEDW applications (as well as some others) have now been completely separated with a view to increase greater interoperability with other...